Sunday, November 14, 2004

Keeping the options open

I've recently been approached about considering a position that I would not have thought twice about had I seen an advertisement for it. It is a position as the Head of School at a private Christian elementary school. Even though I am, and have been, focused on a pastoral ministry position, I am a little surprised at how my interest is piqued by this opportunity.

There are essentially four reasons why I am open to considering it:
  • First, my disposition toward candidacy includes the idea that, in the event that I am approached with an unsolicited request to consider a position, I will consider it. This is because I am sensitive to the facts that a) the Holy Spirit works through a variety of means, and b) I am not wise enough nor prescient enough to be certain that I know the trajectory of my future. (Incidentally, this same disposition has also recently led me to consider a church simply because four different people, at different times, suggested that I might be interested in it.)
  • Also, my experiences in Christian Education, gained almost completely at the school where I have taught while in seminary, have been so delightful that I am all but required by them to keep an open mind about a future in Christian schools. I have enjoyed every aspect of teaching at the school where I teach, and felt quite fulfilled in that position.
  • The school that has approached me is, for lack of a better label, a "revitalization school." That is, it lacks vitality and direction, and needs a Head of School who will refine their focus, cast a vision for their future, and lead them in accomplishing their goals. Since I am fairly certain that God has equipped me for a ministry of revitalization, it may be that I simply need to broaden my understanding of what revitalization ministry includes.
  • Finally, in the survey that I conducted recently, many of the respondents, when asked "what one thing would you do differently?" answered, "keep an open mind to a wider variety of possibilities." Naturally, I have been thinking that wouldn't apply to me, because I had a clear mandate from God for what I would do. Now I question whether my "mandate" is really so clear; maybe the survey speaks wisdom to me here.

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